
Each user has a type, which determines their administrative privileges.

User type

User0No admin privileges
Group admin1Can manage users with their group
Admin2Can manage all users


A user's status determine their ability to log in. Only active users can access OneLogin.

Password expired4
Awaiting password reset5

Show user

Returns a single user.

GET /users/{id}.xml
Status: 200

  <group-id nil="true"></group-id>
  <locked-until nil="true"></locked-until>
  <notes nil="true"></notes>
  <pending-apps nil="true"></pending-apps>
  <phone nil="true">310-555-2221</phone>

List all

Returns all users in one list. The body of each user is the same as for show user.

GET /users.xml
Status: 200

<users type="array">

Create user

Creates a new user. The status of the new user depends on whether a password is provided. If the request contains a password, the status will be Active (1), otherwise it will be Unactivated (0).

POST /users.xml
Status: 200

  <group-id nil="true"></group-id>
  <notes nil="true"></notes>
  <pending-apps nil="true"></pending-apps>


Updates a user. Note that it is not possible to update a user's password via the API. 

PUT /users/{id}.xml
Status: 200


This example sets the user's first name to Hannah.


Deletes a user.

DELETE /users/{id}.xml
Status: 200